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Happy Clients

"I've been deeply impressed with Ashlin's breadth of knowledge and unique insights during the course of our work together this past year. Whisperology specifically has addressed unique underlying spiritual challenges no other modalities had been able to address. As a fellow practitioner, I highly recommend Ashlin's work to my friends and clients. She's thoughtful, kind and gifted in her craft."

- A Happy Doctor

"Our 14 year old son has struggled with seasonal, outdoor and indoor allergies his whole life. We believe his focus in school has been negatively impacted by the "brain fog" he has experienced as a result of the allergies. We scheduled an allergy elimination appointment for him and within 24 hours he was a changed young man. He is not miserable from allergies, his teacher noticed that his focus is better in school, and we are enjoying not having to hear him blow his nose all hours of the day!

- A Happy Teenager & Mother/Farmer

Shout out to Ashlin Tulip @ Blooming 4 Wellness on getting me on the right path after recovering from vertigo plus tick disease. I went through an CT scan, MRI, and medication trials and nothing was helping. When I came to you, I could not drive at all and could barely walk, now I am back to driving moving about! I am still a work in progress, but you have helped me so much! Thank You for everything you have done and for checking in with me to continue my healing. I am so glad my sister got in touch with you.

~A Happy Bus Driver/Business Owner 

Had my first whisperology session with Ashlin Tulip at Blooming 4 Wellness LLC. It was such an amazing experience. She helped heal things I didn’t even know were there. We went through my supplements that I’m taking to see what my body actually needs or what is a waste. She also helped neutralize my allergies. I definitely recommend seeing her!! Thanks so much! ~A Happy School Teacher

I have had a tree nut allergy since I was young that has limited me from certain foods I enjoy or eating at potlucks. Ashlin completed one cold laser therapy session on me and since I have been able to eat foods containing tree nuts with no allergic reaction symptoms. A typical reaction I have when consuming tree nuts is anaphylaxis so these results are huge! I highly recommend reaching out to Ashlin if you have any food allergies!

~A Happy Doctor

I had felt like I was hit by a truck. I had the crud-virus. There are a lot of illnesses going around during the winter. I called Ashlin to do a remote visit the next day, I felt so much better! I was out of bed and able to function enough to work from home! I am confident that I will feel better everyday. Ashlin has helped me heal things in my body, one thing that went away was my plantar fasciitis. I truly believe in holistic healing.

- A Happy College Teacher

For years I have had stomach problems. Since I came to Ashlin, my life has changed. I saw Ashlin around noon, followed  the protocol, took drops that same evening. The next day, I woke up with no stomach ache at all and it has continued with no stomach ache! I have never woke up without a stomach ache in 20 years! I have been to many doctors and had many tests done, they came up with nothing but more meds to try. Ashlin is a miracle worker and angel, I would rather come see her any day than go to a doctor.

- A Happy Student/Caregiver

I have reached out to Ashlin regarding my puppy. She has helped my sweet girl with a lot of things such as abnormal breathing, parasites, urine/bladder infections, vaccine side effects and much more! I have followed Ashlin's protocol for her and she is thriving! 

- A Happy Pet Owner/Hair Stylist

I saw Ashlin because I had some health issues. I work outside everyday in the woods and started to become allergic to the wood I was working with. I saw Ashlin for a whisperology session and cold laser allergy session. The next day I woke up my allergies were gone! I do not understand what she did but it was non-invasive and super easy! I can not wait to see her again! 

- A Happy Forester

I have seen Ashlin for over 2 years now regarding my entire family's health. Ashlin has helped us get through a lot of illnesses down to injuries. I have not had to take my children in to a doctor because her methods work! I trust Ashlin to give my family care and help with everything no matter how small or big the concern is. I highly recommend Blooming 4 Wellness for all your healthcare needs!

- A Happy Business Owner/ Hair Stylist/ Mother

I reached out to Ashlin regarding my dog. I have a Lab. I had been taking her to the vet for some severe itching. They put her on some very expensive medication. The medication was not helping as much as they thought it would. After one visit with Ashlin, I learned a lot. My dogs itching is so much better! I highly recommend Ashlin for your own health and animals health!

- Happy Administrator

My granddaughter was having issues with her thyroid and her hip. She had went through surgery. Whisperology really helped detect and heal deeper things going on and also helped remove toxins that were in her body after surgery. It is amazing to see first hand how whisperology makes a huge difference!

- A Happy Child and Grandma

I suffered a stroke after retirement. The stroke totally affected my entire right side. I could not move the right side of my body at all, it was dead weight. I reached out to Ashlin and she did Whisperology and Cold Laser therapy on me. I absolutely cannot explain the remarkable recovery I have had in just 4 shorts weeks. I can walk with a  cane, lift, hug and eat with my right arm! My speech has been improving everyday. It is awesome to see others commenting on my improvements that saw me only a week apart. I highly recommend Ashlin for any issue! 

- A Happy Retired Radio Announcer

I have seen Ashlin for several imbalances since I have known her. I had a kidney stone that I was able to dissolve with whisperolgy and lasering. I have been helped in so many different ways physically, spiritually and mentally. I highly recommend Ashlin, God uses her as a vessel to help others heal! 

- A Happy Hair Stylist

I had taken my Mini Dashund Pup that is one year old to see Ashlin. She was not acting quite right, she was looking very sad and like something was wrong. Ashlin did Whisperology and Cold Laser Therapy on her. She was suffering from parasites and urinary issues. It is unbelievable the difference in her symptoms in a noticeable amount of time. When I do her protocol I notice she melts. She loves it! I love that the this is all natural and I do not have to give her any drugs. I highly recommend Ashlin. 

- A Happy Mini Dashund and Owner

I did an allergy elimination session with Ashlin for my outdoor allergies. My allergies are very severe. Ashlin told me it would take 24 hours for me to notice a difference. My symptoms started disappearing just after 3 hours! I highly recommend Ashlin for any allergy! I also have done Whisperology which has been amazing. Cold Laser Therapy helped my pain tremendously. Ashlin is my go to for any illness. 

- A Happy Retired Woman

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